Day 3: No Coach, No Coordination – But I Swam Anyway!
Follow along on Instagram: @maxandtomartisans
Today’s challenge? Swimming with my adult squad… without a coach. Sounds fine, right? Nope. It was pure chaos. No structure, no clear plan, just a bunch of us trying to figure things out on our own. And for someone who already struggles to stay motivated in the pool, this made things twice as hard.
At the best of times, swimming in a pool feels like a mental battle for me. It’s different from running or cycling—there’s no music, no scenery, just the sound of splashing and my own thoughts. Add in the lack of a coach today, and it felt like I was flailing more than swimming.
But here’s the thing: this challenge got me through.
If I weren’t committed to this #90DayMoveYourBodyChallenge, I might have skipped today. I might have let the lack of structure be my excuse. But instead, I showed up, got through the session (messy as it was), and ticked off another day. That’s what this is about—not waiting for perfect conditions, just doing the work.
No Guidance? No Problem (Sort Of)
Today reminded me of how much structure matters—not just in swimming but in business, fitness, and life. When we don’t have a plan or guidance, it’s easy to get lost, lose motivation, or feel overwhelmed. But the reality is, we won’t always have someone leading the way. Sometimes, we have to be our own coach, set our own goals, and keep ourselves accountable.
That’s what today was. Not pretty, not perfect, but done. No discount for you! 😆
How Do You Stay Motivated?
What keeps you pushing forward when things feel unstructured or tough? Drop a comment below—I could use the inspiration!
90DayMoveYourBodyChallenge #MoveYourBody #MaxAndTom #NoCoachNoProblem #SwimmingStruggles #KeepGoing